For cars from Rs 35 Lakh to Rs 50 Lakh, the Indian four-wheeler market has 21 new items at a bargain from various car brands. Among them Toyota Hilux (Rs. 30.40 – 37.90 Lakh), MG Gloster (Rs. 38.80 – 43.87 Lakh), Toyota Fortuner (Rs. 33.43 – 51.44 Lakh) are among the most famous cars in this cost section. If you have any desire to find out about the new cars, forthcoming cars or most recent cars costs in your city, offers, variations, particulars, pictures.
Top 5 Cars Under 50 Lakh in India
Car Models | Price in New Delhi |
MG Gloster | Rs. 38.70 – 43.77 Lakh |
Toyota Hilux | Rs. 30.41 – 37.82 Lakh |
BMW X1 | Rs. 49.40 – 52.40 Lakh |
Toyota Fortuner | Rs. 33.42 – 51.43 Lakh |
Volkswagen Tiguan | Rs. 35.16 Lakh |
BMW X1 Luxury Car