Beauty queen: TWICE’s Sana is the cosmic explosion for September 2023 issue

What a year it has been for our September issue model and her gathering, TWICE. Record-breaking bunch, sub-unit and solo deliveries to the side, the nine-piece act is proceeding to overcome the globe each stop in turn with their Prepared TO BE World Visit.

Two days after our September issue cover shoot with TWICE’s Sana, news breaks that the supergroup has outperformed seven billion aggregate streams on Spotify in only 1,971 days — making them the K-pop young lady gathering to accomplish this accomplishment in the most limited length of time.

Eight years into Sana’s and her bandmates’ professions, the notorious demonstration is a long way from settling for the status quo. In Spring, TWICE delivered their twelfth EP, Prepared to Be, which took off to the highest point of the South Korean collections graph and, surprisingly, sent off at number two on the US Announcement 200. Only four months after the fact, Sana — close by bandmates Momo and Mina — formally got her presentation in MISAMO, TWICE’s very first sub-unit.

To the enjoyment of fans, their Japanese small scale collection Work of art appeared at the shaft position on Japan’s Oricon Collections Graph. Also, this moment is really the opportunity that TWICE enthusiasts have been standing by without complaining for. This month, Sana and the remainder of TWICE show up in Singapore in the wake of four monotonous years for their Prepared TO BE show dates.

The latest TWICE EP, Fit to Be, had amazing achievement when it was delivered recently. It arrived at number one on South Korea’s Circle Collection Graph and furthermore excelled on the Board 200. Congrats. Do you recall how you and the young ladies responded to this achievement?

In the eight years that has been our excursion as TWICE, I’m so regarded to be a piece of such countless various exercises where I have gotten such a lot of affection and backing from fans. I was shocked, grateful, and thusly, I felt so enabled and appreciated, permitting me to participate in and show considerably more assorted exercises.

TWICE has acquired eleven number-one collections and EPs in South Korea, and is one of the greatest selling young lady bunches ever in South Korea. What is your opinion about these unprecedented accomplishments and do you have your very own proudest minutes with TWICE up until this point?

Most importantly, I’m so glad to be a piece of TWICE and feel so honored to have our fans, ONCE, too. For a considerable length of time we have gotten such a lot of affection and backing, and I’m so thankful and glad that we are proceeding to break our own records — most importantly, I believe it’s substantially more significant that constantly and each second, our fans ONCE are along with us. I’m so glad to share these minutes and feature TWICE — together.

Our September issue will be coming out exceptionally near when TWICE will be in Singapore for the Prepared TO BE show dates. Do you have whatever unique to tell the fans, and what are you generally anticipating when you visit?

It has been for such a long time since we’ve had the option to meet our ONCE in Singapore! Considering that, we are counting during the time until we see you — we are so eager to perceive how our ONCE in Singapore will respond to our impending exhibitions in front of an audience.

How can it feel that Don’t Contact and Magnum opus by MISAMO came out as of late?

Both the message of female strengthening and the video idea of the tune are astounding. Work of art by MISAMO is a collection loaded up with the extraordinary tones and ideas of our three individuals, which we have not investigated as TWICE previously — I figure this unit can introduce a side of us that ONCE probably won’t have envisioned.

How testing and remunerating is it to adjust the Prepared TO BE World Visit with MISAMO’s exercises and dispatches?

During the World Visit, we needed to impart without being impacted when distinction, and in any event, when we were in South Korea doing a gathering shooting meeting, subsequent to completing it, we would frequently do MISAMO planned occasions one after the other and deal with a tight timetable.

Yet, since we are the primary unit to be sent off from TWICE, we really wanted to be aggressive and do our absolute best with it — and presently we can think back on our collection gladly and are so happy it’s at long last delivered to the world!

How testing and remunerating is it to adjust the Prepared TO BE World Visit with MISAMO’s exercises and dispatches?

During the World Visit, we needed to impart without being impacted when distinction, and in any event, when we were in South Korea doing a gathering shooting meeting, in the wake of completing it, we would frequently do MISAMO planned occasions one after the other and deal with a tight timetable.

However, since we are the principal unit to be sent off from TWICE, we really wanted to be aggressive and do our absolute best with it — and presently we can think back on our collection gladly and are so happy it’s at long last delivered to the world!

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